It's the 21st century, learn to build apps, use them to earn and have fun doing so!

Visit AW's reference site to get your AW ID as well as for links to recommended educational resources you can use to learn.

  • Our flagship recommendation is MIT's introduction to computer science course
  • Codecademy offers courses ideal for beginners
  • It's your responsibility to manage your learning goals
  • Help is always available online to those who need it
  • Industrial Training(IT)/SIWES logged activity (via AW Lab)
  • In a post covid world, it's important to know how to learn and work remotely

To learn more about all of the above, our current education and career initiatives as well as pricing information. Go to AW's reference site


AW Lab School runs remotely on the cloud.The lab is a java cloud and meets all cyber security best practices.

  • Track your progress on online courses you register for from reputable world class universities/organizations
  • Receive feedback on your learning objectives
  • Keep a permanent record/audit trail of your learning
  • Generate verified links that list your accomplishments and path taken to get there
  • Proprietary AW 360 degrees verified recommendations (everybody knows you're awesome!)
  • Create your own approved course recommendations or training sessions to track personally or share with others you teach/coach
  • Safe and secure environment

Go to AW's online lab school